Through Javascript Eyes: Rust

Its been a minute since I’ve attempted to blog something, gosh! I’ve decided to embark on a journey of exploring some new languages and frameworks, starting with Rust. If time allows this will be the first of many such posts. This post will be updated as I progress, keeping all my notes in one place.

Author's profile picture Linearza on rust, javascript, and learning

Be careful where you point that

Recently I did something quite common: I declared a blank array in a component…then strange things started happening.

Author's profile picture Linearza on emberjs and javascript

An unintentional mixup of route and component templates in Ember

Today I was building out a new route in a quite unspectacular way in our app, as per usual I simply generated a new route using the ember-cli generator ember g route my-dashed-name.

Author's profile picture Linearza on emberjs and ember-cli

Lesser known CSS: column-count

I was looking into list styles today and stumbled across a CSS property that I’ve never seen before: counter-increment - here is an explanation.

Author's profile picture Linearza on css

Illusionary vertical accordion animation

As we all know, creating performant vertical accordion animations isn’t as easy as it sounds, and less so if you don’t have specfic start and end heights to animate between. Even so, animating/transitioning height isn’t very performant and should be avioded.

Author's profile picture Linearza on css and tricks

ES7 decorators and ESLint no-undef errors

Converting your Ember app to use ESLint, as opposed to the default JSHint, is pretty straightfoward and useful, especially if you are considering to use newer EMCA features, such as decorators.

Author's profile picture Linearza on emberjs, eslint, and es7

Minimal CSS horizontal stacking

Today I had to create a full screen, mobile horizontal slider. I rarely, if ever use floats anymore, far rather prefering the use of inline-block elements as they can be controlled better using text-align and also behave more intuitively. So today I put together this, absolutely minimal, layout structure that won’t require any dynamically updated widths, and that does fill the horizontal width of the screen by default, per item.

Author's profile picture Linearza on css and tricks

Phoenix, and the default user

I decided to work through this great introductory Phoenix framework tutorial by Erik today. At the point of running the initial $ mix ecto.create command however, it bombed on me, with this little message:

Author's profile picture Linearza on postgres and config

Building a Hacker News reader in Ember 2.5 - Part 1

I decided to do a little tutorial on building a hacker news reader in Ember, since I can’t find a recent tutorial on it. The idea is heavily inspired by the hacker news reader built by @donovan-graham. So let’s get started!

Author's profile picture Linearza on ember, hacker-news, and tutorial

Hilarious programming quotes

While browsing Hacker news today I came across an article on medium on what makes a good programmer. This lead me to a list of hilarious quotes that I just thought I’d share again, but of course, all credit goes to Naresh Kumar for compiling the list:

Author's profile picture Linearza on coding and humour

Github pages custom domains

I am finally back online. After wrestling for a while with github pages and getting my apex domain (this one), working alongside subdomains that I use for my projects, I finally concluded that it was simply not going to happen, and accepted defeat. But alas!

Author's profile picture Linearza on github and config

Google fonts and content security

Today I quickly tried adding the Roboto google font to a new ember-cli project I’m working on, I decided to go with the @import solution in my master sass file. Unfortunately you’ll quickly notice your console getting spammed with something along these lines:

Author's profile picture Linearza on emberjs and config